Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Macon flood of '94

     In 1994, Macon experienced a freak flood from the Okmulgee River. Much of downtown Macon was underwater and many businesses were damaged. Also the city drinking water factory was filled with clay causing the city to be without drinking water for 21 days. Why did this happen? This happened because just south of downtown there was a levi on one side and highway 16 on the other side. When the high river water reached south of the city, there was no room for it to spread out on either side. Therefore, the river bottled neck and sent the water spreading through downtown.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


      In our Environmental Science class, we were tasked to grow a sunflower in our dorm room. We were given the seed,dirt, and cup in order to grow the sunflower. Below is the tracked progress of my sunflower's growth:

February 7th- My sunflower begins to sprout
February 14th- Sunflower grows and reaches the top of the cup
February 24th- Sunflower is about three inches above the cup and has about five leaves on it

The Perfect Storm

In the movie The Perfect Storm, the lives of fisherman are examined. The dangers of being on the ocean are shown full force. The ocean is an unpredictable place and whether can change erratically. Some of the crew were thrown overboard due to big waves throwing the boat around. Another time a shark was accidentally brought aboard. However, the climax of the movie is when three different storm systems meet. The fishing boat is caught out in this weather but tries to push through it to get back home. The boat and crew were beaten and they think they are about home when a huge wave flips the boat and all of the crew dies. This movie shows that mother nature is nothing to mess with and can take human life very easily.

Monday, February 4, 2013



  • Second most abundant mineral 
  • Made up of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra
  • Many different varieties 

  • Granular igneous rock
  • Consists mostly of quartz, mica, and feldspar
  • Color can range from pink to gray

  • Sedimentary rock composed of the minerals calcite and aragonite 
  • Many composed of skeletal fragments of marine organisms
  • Make up about 10% of total volume of all sedimentary rocks

  • Medium-grade metamorphic rock
  • Individual mineral grain split into flakes or slabs easily
  • Most derived from clay and mud 

Cruz Plaza Concerns
  • While under construction, they must make sure the dirt and gravel does not wash away during a rainstorm
  • While digging, they must be aware of water lines,gas lines, electrical lines, along with any underground roots to make sure equipment don't get messed up and the workers and surrounding people are safe